The problems began in the evening in China when searches for words as harmless as dog or home turned up a browser error. 昨天傍晚时,在中国境内,即便是搜索狗、家这样无害的关键词,也只能得到浏览器错误的提示。
Divide undercut into harmful and harmless undercuts by the influence of the undercut to the intensity, stiffness of gear and to the profile error. 针对目前对齿轮根切的定义过于笼统的问题,从根切对齿轮轮齿强度、刚度以及对齿形精度的影响角度出发,将根切分为有害根切和无害根切。
Both of harmless error rule and obvious error rule are very important in U.S. appeal procedure, but there are many differences between them, such as the precondition, who bear the burden of proof and other aspects. 无害错误规则与明显错误规则都是美国上诉程序中的重要规则,但是两者在适用的前提、承担证明责任的主体等方面都有所区别。
Harmless error rule stems from the principle that remedies should be roughly proportional to the injury caused by the violation. 美国无害错误规则起源于英国一项传统的原则,即救济应大致与侵害造成的损害成比例原则。
If China establishes harmless error rule, we can end the disordered state of assessment of procedural errors and the judicial officers have regulations to abide by. And also we can avoid hypercorrection and prevent to make detours in the process of building up procedural justice. 我国构建无害错误规则后可以结束程序性错误评定的无序状态,让司法人员更有章可循,同时避免矫枉过正,防止我国在树立程序正义的过程中走弯路。
At present, harmless error rule applies to all of the statutory law errors and trial errors within constitutional errors, except for the structural errors. 目前,无害错误规则适用于所有的制定法错误及宪法错误中的审判错误,结构性错误除外。